Monday, April 16, 2012

Go Go Girlfriend, Come Back Back!

Of all the subscription boxes out there, GoGo Girlfriend was possibly my favorite. Every month was an AWESOME deal, and their Deluxe boxes were ridiculously awesome values. Not only that, but you could buy full sized items in their shop at big discounts off of retail. So OF COURSE they had to go under. The store is still open so they haven't officially gone under, but they aren't doing the boxes anymore. A few months ago I received the following email message " We have undergone an ownership and management change and will resume shipping early next week.
We will be back on track beginning March "   That was in response to my query about an outstanding order. I can only hope that the getting back on track thing is true and not just BS, cause i'd seriously be willing to give them another shot. They never screwed me over, so no biggie. I just miss them!

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